tmux quick reference

Default prefix is Ctrl+b. Commands are of the form <prefix> <command key>.

C-bliteral control-B
C-zsuspend tmux
ddetach current client
?list key bindings
rforce redraw
~show tmux messages
:enter tmux command prompt
pane creation and control
"vertical pane split (like vim's :split)
%horizontal pane split (like vim's :vsplit)
oselect next pane (in current window, when relevant)
xkill pane
qdisplay pane indexes
← ↑ → ↓switch to the pane in that direction
C-← C-↑ C-→ C-↓resize pane
mode control
[enter copy mode
q (vi) ; esc (emacs)leave copy mode
C-b ; PgUpprev page
C-f ; PgDownnext page
G ; M-<go to bottom
g ; M->go to top
space ; C-spacestart selection
esc ; C-gclear selection
enter ; M-wcopy selection
]paste last copied text
C-y ; C-↑scroll up
C-e ; C-↓scroll down

a session is a collection of pseudo-terms. each session is linked to a window or windows. each window contains one or more panes, and each pane is a pseudo-terminal.

a session can be detached from the tmux server with C-b d and a new tmux client can be attached to the session with tmux attach.

when in copy mode, two sets of hotkeys are available: vi and emacs modes, chosen with the mode-keys option. the hotkeys in the table above are vi-mode.

options can be set with set-option and show-option. give these the -s parameter to set or show global options (server options) which are independent of windows or sessions.
set-window-option [-t target-window] opt val is for window-specific options.

interesting options:

posted 2016-10-05, last edited 2023-10-01 |