solarized reference


$base03:    #002b36;
$base02:    #073642;
$base01:    #586e75;
$base00:    #657b83;
$base0:     #839496;
$base1:     #93a1a1;
$base2:     #eee8d5;
$base3:     #fdf6e3;
$yellow:    #b58900;
$orange:    #cb4b16;
$red:       #dc322f;
$magenta:   #d33682;
$violet:    #6c71c4;
$blue:      #268bd2;
$cyan:      #2aa198;
$green:     #859900;

The colour sets: base0?[23] are the background colours, base0?[01] are the content (main text) colours, and the 8 colours are for accents primarily.

PurposeDark schemeLight scheme
Background base03 base3
B.g. hilite base02 base2
Secondary text base01 base1
Primary text base0 base00
Emphasis base1 base01

the palettes

Standard 16-color terminal

0: base02 8: base03
1: red 9: orange
2: green 10: base01
3: yellow 11: base00
4: blue 12: base0
5: magenta 13: violet
6: cyan 14: base1
7: base2 15: base3

Restricted 8-color terminal

1:  red     
2:  green   
3:  yellow   or  orange  
4:  base03   or  base02   or  base1    or  blue    
5:  magenta  or  violet  
6:  base0    or  cyan    
7:  base01   or  base00   or  base2    or  base3   

Pick your favourites. Colour zero was unspecified in the original; I suppose it's either unselectable, or supposed to be a "background colour" that's not shared with the other colours, or varies depending on if you choose a dark or light theme. Same might go for a separately-specified text colour.

light scheme: background is base3, text is base00

 0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7 
base03 - red - green - orange - base1 - magenta - cyan - base2
dark scheme: background is base03, text is base0

 0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7 
base02 - red - green - yellow - blue - magenta - cyan - base3

Posted 2016-08-31 | Modified 2017-07-20 |